September Events
9/19/2024 - SVSU will be in the Auditorium This Morning at 9:00 AM
for All Seniors Interested in Attending.
9/20/2024 -SVSU TRIP 11th and 12th Grade This Friday 11:30 AM -4:30
9/23/20024 - Eastern University (Seniors) will be in the Auditorium
6th hour 2:00 PM – 2:45PM
9/24/2024 -
Grand Valley State Univ. (GVSU) will be in the Auditorium at
9:00AM for any Seniors Interested.
If Any Senior is interested in Attending the HBCU College Fair This
Saturday Please See Ms. Coleman ASAP!! She has Only 10 tickets!
Seniors please begin to check your Emails Daily!!
All College and Career Announcements will be sent through school emails this year!